

...thermography that I realized here was something special, a valuable tool that could help not only myself but all women. So I began my training with Dr. Robert Kane at The International Academy of Clinical Thermology www.iact-org.org & Dr. Alexander Mostovoy at the Thermography Clinic www.thermographyclinic.com qualifying as a CTT (Certified Thermographic Technician) in early 2010.

I like to think that my career in natural health has evolved organically over the years entwined with my own personal growth. Adding knowledge and skills along the way that included Nutrition, Allergy and Biofeedback Testing amongst others.

In 2003 I left my busy practice in London and made the biggest change in my life so far, I married my husband Steve and emigrated to Canada. I joined his long established (1991) Wellness Clinic in Calgary and since 2006 we have run our own Wellness Clinic 'Nature's Wisdom' together incorporating Nutritional Counselling, Homeopathy, Biofeedback Treatment plus more recently, the wonderful addition of Thermal Imaging for breast and thyroid/cranial... read more

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